From academicblogs
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Blogs in History
Direct links to the blogs are on the left. Links to wikipages about these blogs (if someone has written them) are on the right.
- American Creation American Creation
- American Revolution Blog American Revolution Blog
- Arina ac American Revolution Blog
- Across the Bay Across the Bay
- Adam Smith Lives! Adam Smith Lives!
- AHA Today The American Historical Association's Blog
- Airminded Airminded
- Air Pollution Air Pollution
- A. Lincoln Blog A. Lincoln Blog
- Ali Gator Ali Gator
- American Presidents Blog American Presidents Blog
- Anastasia Anastasia
- Ancarett's Abode Ancarett's Abode
- Ancient World Bloggers Group Blog (AWGB) Ancient World Bloggers Group Blog (AWGB)
- the pastime of past time Bryan Andrachuk's Public History Blog
- another boring academic has a blog? another boring academic has a blog?
- Aqueduct Aqueduct
- Articles ARTICLES
- Axis of Evel KnievelAxis of Evel Knievel
- The Backward Glance The Backward Glance
- Bede's Journal Bede's Journal
- Bligcentenario Proyecto BLIGcentenario
- Blogenspiel Blogenspiel
- Blogging the Renaissance Blogging the Renaissance
- Blog Them Out of the Stone Age Blog Them Out of the Stone Age
- Brian's Study Breaks Brian's Study Breaks
- Britannica Blog - History Britannica Blog - History
- Lauren Burger Reflections on Public History
- Burma - Yunnan - Bay of Bengal (c. 1350-1600) Burma - Yunnan - Bay of Bengal (c. 1350-1600)
- burnt every morning burnt every morning
- Carling Marshall Carling Marshall's Public History Blog
- Center of Gravitas Center of Gravitas
- Chapati Mystery Chapati Mystery
- Cincinnati Historian Under Development Cincinnati Historian Under Development
- City Girl City Girl
- "Civil War Memory" Civil War Memory
- Civil Warriors Civil Warriors
- Clio and Me Mark R. Stoneman
- Cliopatria Cliopatria
- ClioWeb ClioWeb
- Cobbloviate Cobbloviate
- Coffee Grounds Coffee Grounds
- Dan Cohen Dan Cohen
- Colonial Psychiatry Hub Colonial Psychiatry Hub
- Consigned to History Consigned to History
- The Cranky Professor The Cranky Professor
- The Cyber Hacienda The Cyber Hacienda
- dcat dcat
- Dead Christians Society Dead Christians Society
- Deep Language Deep Language
- Digital History Hacks Digital History Hacks
- Doctor History Doctor History
- Dutchblog Israel Dutchblog Israel
- Early Modern Notes Early Modern Notes
- Early Modern Whale Early Modern Whale
- Early Tibet Early Tibet
- Easily Distracted Easily Distracted
- Eating an Elephant Eating an Elephant
- The Elfin Ethicist The Elfin Ethicist
- English Eclectic English Eclectic
- The Essay of Doom and other Tales of Academic Woe The Essay of Doom and other Tales of Academic Woe
- Even in a Little Thing Even in a Little Thing
- Etcetera Whatever Etcetera Whatever
- Famous Pharaohs Famous Pharaohs
- Filosofia & Storia Filosofia & Storia
- Found History Found History
- Frog in a Well (China) Frog in a Well (China)
- Frog in a Well (Japan) Frog in a Well (Japan)
- Frog in a Well (Korea) Frog in a Well (Korea)
- Fugitive Streets/Jackal Tombs Fugitive Streets/Jackal Tombs
- Future / Retro Future / Retro
- Gates of Egypt Gates of Egypt
- Geocurrents-The History and Geography of Global Events Martin Lewis, Stanford University, Dept. of History
- Ghost in the Machine Ghost in the Machine
- Gil Troy, Professor of History, McGill University Gil Troy author of "Leading From The Center"
- Got Medieval Got Medieval
- The Great Green North Ryan O'Connor -- History of the Environmental Movement in Canada
- Heo Cwaeth Heo Cwaeth
- Hidalgo Hidalgo
- Hiram Hover Hiram Hover
- Historia Ecclesiastica Historia Ecclesiastica
- Historian siipien havinat Historian siipien havinat
- historianess historianess
- historiasenconstruccion Historiasenconstruccion
- Histori-blography Histori-blography
- Historical Implications Historical Implications
- History News Network's History Buzz History News Network's History Buzz
- History Conversations History Conversations
- History and the Sock Merchant History and the Sock Merchant
- History And Education: Past And Present Tim Lacy and Christopher Miller
- Historymike Michael Brooks
- History on Trial History on Trial
- History Unfolding History Unfolding
- HistorĀ„ HistorĀ„ -An OpenResearch Project on Japan's Financial Modernization
- Hoghee Hoghee
- Horizon Horizon
- Humility in History Humility in History
- Imaginary Magnitude Imaginary Magnitude
- In Siberia In Siberia
- It Makes a Difference to the Sheep It Makes a Difference to the Sheep
- Informed Comment Informed Comment
- Wilkes Booth The search for John Wilkes Booth
- Katheder Blog Katheder Blog
- Blog de Lyonel Kaufmann Lyonel Kaufmann - Professeur formateur en didactique de l'histoire
- World War II Posters" Keep Calm and Carry On and Other Second World War Posters, Bex Lewis
- Kelly in Kansas Kelly in Kansas
- Peter N. Kirstein Peter N. Kirstein
- Korean Graduate Studies Prep Korean Graduate Studies Prep
- Liberty and Power Liberty and Power
- The Life and Times of a History Ph.D. Student The Life and Times of a History Ph.D. Student
- Logan Lounge Logan Lounge
- Sean Michael Lucas Sean Michael Lucas
- Lite Strabo Lite Strabo
- Leghorn Merchant Networks Leghorn Merchant Networks
- Madman of Chu Madman of Chu
- Magistra et Mater Magistra et Mater
- Making History Podcast: The Blog Making History Podcast: The Blog
- Mankind in the Balance Mankind in the Balance - history and futurure
- Medieval Crusades Medieval Crusades
- The Medieval Warfare Blog The Medieval Warfare Blog
- Medieval Woman Medieval Woman
- Memorabilia Antonina Memorabilia Antonina
- Millard Fillmore's Bathtub Millard Fillmore's Bathtub
- miscellany miscellany
- Mode for Caleb Mode for Caleb
- Mortlake on the Schuylkill Mortlake on the Schuylkill
- Muhlberger's Early History Muhlberger's Early History
- "Lincoln Mullen" Lincoln Mullen
- Muninn Muninn
- Nazi Tunnels Ammon Shepherd's digital humanities dissertation site.
- New York History John Warren's Historical News and Views From The Empire State
- No Great Matter No Great Matter
- Northwest History' ' Northwest History
- N.R. Hanson Is My Idol N.R. Hanson Is My Idol
- On Being Dutch On Being Dutch
- On My Mac Mark R. Stoneman --- how I use my Mac in academia (aimed at the relative novice)
- Open History Open History
- Old is the New New Old is the New New
- The Oriental Institute: Fragments for a History of an Institution: A collaborative project intended to focus ideas and thoughts on the history of the Oriental Institute of The University of Chicago The Oriental Institute: Fragments for a History of an Institution: A collaborative project intended to focus ideas and thoughts on the history of the Oriental Institute of The University of Chicago
- Page In History Reviews/Commentary of History Books and Articles
- Pariuri Pariuri Sportive
- Past is Present Past is Present: an online forum for early American discovery, discussion, and diversion
- Pariuri Sportive Online Pariuri Sportive
- Patahistory Patahistory
- Term Paper Help Term Paper Help
- Persepolis Fortification Archive Project Persepolis Fortification Archive Project
- PhDinHistory: Data and Discussion of the Discipline's Doctorates Sterling Fluharty
- Philobiblon Philobiblon
- Play in Progress Play in Progress
- Points The Blog of the Alcohol and Drugs History Society
- Pretty Hard, Dammit Pretty Hard, Dammit
- ProgressiveHistorians ProgressiveHistorians
- Q Books in the Yrl Q Books in the Yrl
- Queen of West Procrastination Queen of West Procrastination
- Radical Civility Radical Civility
- Reading ArchivesReading Archives
- Renaissance Weblog Renaissance Weblog
- Red Ted Keeps a Diary Red Ted Keeps a Diary
- Revise and Dissent Revise and Dissent
- Ragesoss 2.02 Ragesoss 2.02
- Regaining My Faculties Regaining My Faculties
- Religion and American History Religion and American History
- Religion in America Religion in America
- Rhine River Rhine River
- Robmacdougall.org Robmacdougall.org
- Russian History Blog Russian History Blog
- Hugo Schwyzer Hugo Schwyzer
- Sean's Russia Blog Sean's Russia Blog
- Secondat Secondat
- Snoblog Snoblog
- Sparta Sparta
- Spinning Clio Spinning Clio
- Steamboats Are Ruining Everything Steamboats Are Ruining Everything
- Steve Goddard's History Wire Steve Goddard's History Wire
- A Student of History A Student of History
- sumir-history sumir-history
- tapera tapera
- Tea, Lemon, Old Books Tea, Lemon, Old Books
- Thought & Theory Thought & Theory
- Time to Eat the Dogs On Science, History, and Exploration
- The Toynbee convector The Toynbee convector
- The Quinnley Stand The Quinnley Stand
- Trench Fever Trench Fever
- Turpentine Camp Site on UCF Turpentine Camp Site on UCF
- Unpopular Historian J.R. Clark
- U.S. Intellectual History Group Blog
- The Vapour Trail [Melissa Bellanta]
- The Victorian Peeper The Victorian Peeper
- What's New in Abzu What's New in Abzu
- Jon Wiener: On the Radio Jon Wiener: On the Radio
- The Wodrow Project The Wodrow Project
- World History Blog World History Blog
- World War II History Blog World War II History Blog
- Shana Worthen Shana Worthen
- Zenobia: Empress of the East Judith Weingarten
External Resources
- Cliopatria History Blogroll Cliopatria History Blogroll