Culture, Theory, Literature
From academicblogs
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Blogs in Cultural Studies, Theory, Literature, and Rhetoric
Direct links to the blogs are on the left. Links to wikipages about these blogs (if someone has written them) are on the right.
- academHacK academHacK
- Academic Cog Academic Cog
- Acephalous Acephalous
- Alliterative Alliterative
- Amardeep Singh Amardeep Singh
- "American Indians in Children's Literature" American Indians in Children's Literature
- AmericaSedition AmericanSedition
- As Canadian as Possible... Under the Circumstances As Canadian as Possible... Under the Circumstances
- become what you behold Roger Whitson
- Michael Bérubé Michael Bérubé
- Black Ink / White Page Katina Rogers
- Blogging the Renaissance Blogging the Renaissance
- The Blogora The Blogora
- Blographia Literaria Blographia Literaria
- Bemsha Swing Bemsha Swing
- bentkid bentkid
- Beyond Modernity Beyond Modernity
- Body and Pleasure Body and Pleasure
- CanCrit CanCrit
- Cahiers de Corey Cahiers de Corey
- the chutry experiment the chutry experiment
- Citizen of Somewhere Else Citizen of Somewhere Else
- Clarissa's Blog Clarissas' Blog
- Collin vs. Blog Collin vs. Blog
- Complex Rhetoric Complex Rhetoric
- Confessions of an Aca/Fan Confessions of an Aca/Fan
- Confessions of a Young Professor Confessions of a Young Professor
- Confessions of an Graduate Student Confessions of an Graduate Student
- "Corporealities" Corporealities
- Cprobes Cprobes
- Critical Mass Critical Mass
- C u L T. Cultural Studies and Literature Blog
- CultureCat CultureCat
- Culture Industry Culture Industry
- Dear Applicant Technical communication from an academic job search
- De File De File
- Defrag This Blog Defrag This Blog
- delagar delagar
- A Delicate Boy A Delicate Boy
- D I A P S A L M A T A D I A P S A L M A T A - of what we can speak, we must be garrulous about
- dissoi logoi dissoi logoi
- Distracted Distracted
- Doctor Daisy Doctor Daisy
- dogpossum dogpossum
- Don't Ask Me! Don't Ask Me!
- Dr. Mabuse's Kaleido-Scope Dr. Mabuse's Kaleido-Scope
- Joseph Duemer Joseph Duemer
- Earmarks in Early Modern Culture Earmarks in Early Modern Culture
- Earth Wide Moth Earth Wide Moth
- Ellen and Jim Have a Blog Too Ellen and Jim Have a Blog Too
- Epistolae Unde Ambitus Epistolae Unde Ambitus
- Ferule and Fescue Ferule and Fescue
- Fictionomics Fictionomics
- Jonathan Goodwin Jonathan Goodwin
- The Grumpy Academic The Grumpy Academic
- Gypsy Scholar Gypsy Scholar
- Happy Jihad's House of Pancakes Bing McGhandi
- Home Cooked Theory Home Cooked Theory
- Hypercrit Hypercrit
- imagine1community environmental issues, chronic illness, and their occasional intersections
- in the middle in the middle
- Infinite Patience Infinite Patience: thoughts on the what, the how, and the why of literature
- I've Been in *Truckee* I've Been in *Truckee*
- Jamais Vu Jamais Vu
- Jerz's Literacy Weblog Jerz's Literacy Weblog
- Just TV Jason Mittell
- Kairosnews Kairosnews
- Keywords for American Cultural Studies Keywords for American Cultural Studies
- Matthew Kirschenbaum Matthew Kirschenbaum
- Steven Krause Steven Krause
- Literature Compass Blog Companion Blog to the Literature Compass journal
- The Little Professor The Little Professor
- Long Sunday Long Sunday
Mansion of Many Apartments Mansion of Many Apartments
- "Masood Raja's Weblog" Masood Raja's Weblog
- Mauer Mauer
- Mediterraneum Ewa Łukaszyk
- The Memes of Production The Memes of Production
- A Memorable Fancy A Memorable Fancy
- The Mind is a Metaphor The Mind is a Metaphor
- "Mixed Race America" Mixed Race America
- "Moments in Literature" Moments in Literature
- Moo2 Moo2
- mutually occluded mutually occluded
- my back pages my back pages
- New York Philosopher New York Philosopher
- "Plashing Vole" Plashing Vole
- Nomadics Nomadics
- Not That Kind of Doctor Not That Kind of Doctor
- Objectivist v. Constructivist v. Theist Objectivist v. Constructivist v. Theist
- Observations on Film Art and Film Art Observations on Film Art and "Film Art"
- Ondolindello - Tolkienian Blog from Gondolin Ronald Kyrmse
- One Flew East One Flew East
- Pas au-dela Pas au-dela
- Pedablogue Pedablogue
- The Pequod The Pequod
- The Pinocchio Theory The Pinocchio Theory
- Planned Obsolescence Planned Obsolescence
- Printculture Printculture
- Puppeturgy Puppeturgy
- Quod She Quod She
- Raining Cats and Dogma Raining Cats and Dogma
- Rachels blog - literature & thoughts Rachels blog - literature & thoughts
- revisionspiral revisionspiral
- Revolution on a Stick Revolution on a Stick
- Rhetor Rhetor
- samizdat blog samizdat blog
- The Salt Box The Salt Box
- scribblingwoman scribblingwoman
- Sivacracy Sivacracy
- Amardeep Singh Amardeep Singh
- Sportive Thoughts Sportive Thoughts
- sportsBabel Sean Smith
- Swarming Media Swarming Media
- Taiwan/China/Theory/Futures Taiwan/China/Theory/Futures
- The Tattered Coat The Tattered Coat
- Techsophist Techsophist
- Tedlog Ted Friedman
- Third Factory Third Factory
- Thought & Theory Thought & Theory
- Topsyturvydom Topsyturvydom
- TransWorld Cultures TransWorld Cultures
- Unlocked Wordhoard Unlocked Wordhoard
- University Diaries University Diaries
- Unmuzzled Thoughts (about Teaching and Pop Culture) Kelli Marshall
- Urban Communication Foundation Urban Communication Foundation
- Kirsten C. Uszkalo Kirsten C. Uszkalo
- The Valve The Valve
- Varieties of Unreligious Experience Varieties of Unreligious Experience
- Virtualpolitik Virtualpolitik
- Vitia Vitia
- viz. viz.
- Wind Farm Wind Farm
- What is the spark? What is the spark?
- Workbook Workbook
- Working Blue Working Blue
- Wormtalk and Slugspeak Wormtalk and Slugspeak
- World Heritage Forum World Heritage Forum
- Writer Response Theory Writer Response Theory
- Yellow Dog Yellow Dog
- Zigzigger: On the Audiovisual and Beyond Zigzigger
- zunguzungu zunguzungu
Other blogs that talk about Culture, Theory, Literature
- Play in Progress Play in Progress
- gnovis gnovis