Computer Science
From academicblogs
Direct links to the blogs are on the left. Links to wikipages about these blogs (if someone has written them) are on the right.
- 0xDE 0xDE
- A Computer Scientist in a Business School Panos Ipeirotis
- Andy Drucker Andy Drucker
- Computación Cuántica Computación Cuántica
- Relevant History Relevant History
- Computer Science Teacher Writing about teaching computer science at the K-12 level by Alfred Thompson
- CIS 471 – The applications, implications and technology of the Internet for individuals, organizations and society. Posts relevant to an undergraduate information systems course on this topic by Larry Press.
- The Quantum Pontiff The Quantum Pontiff
- aporetic aporetic
- The Geomblog The Geomblog
- Female Computer Scientist
- Machine Learning Machine Learning
- Natural Language Processing Blog Natural Language Processing Blog
- in theory in theory
- Learning with and about Technology Learning with and about Technology
- Logicomp Logicomp
- Embedded in Academia
- Godel's Lost Letter and P=NP R.J. Lipton
- Sebastian Paquet Sebastian Paquet
- Teachnology on a ShoestringTeachnology
- Telecommunications Industry and RegulationMartin Weiss's Blog
- tcsmath tcsmath
- Deltoid Deltoid
- Vanity of Vanities Vanity of Vanities
- Computational Complexity Computational Complexity
- Ernie's 3D Pancakes Ernie's 3D Pancakes
- Eszter's Blog Eszter's Blog
- Freedom to Tinker Freedom to Tinker – discussions on your freedom to understand, discuss, repair, and modify the technological devices you own.
- Light Blue Touchpaper Light Blue Touchpaper
- Mícheál Ó Foghlú's Weblog Mícheál Ó Foghlú's Weblog
- Shtetl Optimized Shtetl Optimized
- Valentin's Blog Valentin's Blog
- Windley's Technometria Windley's Technometria
- Young Programmers Podcast Video lessons on computer programming for grades 3 and up
- Algorithms, game theory, complexity, combinatorics, travel etc. Algorithms, game theory, complexity, combinatorics, travel etc.
- Social Media Lab @ Dalhousie University Social Media and Networking tools for scholars