From academicblogs
Blogs in Chemistry
Direct links to the blogs are on the left. Links to wikipages about these blogs (if someone has written them) are on the right.
- blog.tenderbutton blog.tenderbutton
- cbc carbon-based curiosities
- The Culture of Chemistry The Culture of Chemistry
- Elia Diodati's Science Blog Elia Diodati
- Everyday Scientist Everyday Scientist
- The Disgruntled Chemist The Disgruntled Chemist
- Drexel Chemistry Drexel Chemistry
- The Endless Frontier The Endless Frontier
- Get Busy Livin' or Get Busy Bloggin' Get Busy Livin' or Get Busy Bloggin'
- In the Pipeline In the Pipeline
- Interfacial Science Interfacial Science
- Molecule of the Day Molecule of the Day
- Nice Shoes, Wanna Fock? Nice Shoes, Wanna Fock
- Sandwalk Sandwalk
- The Sceptical Chymist The Sceptical Chymist
- Spectroscope Spectroscope
- totallysynthetic totallysynthetic
- Triple Point Triple Point
- UsefulChem Blog UsefulChem Blog
- ChemJerk ChemJerk
- Looking at Nothing Looking at Nothing
Internal Resources
External Resources
- UsefulChem Wiki UsefulChem Wiki
Chemical Blogspace - aggregates 60+ chemistry blogs