Political Science and Political Theory
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Blogs in Political Science and Political Theory
Direct links to the blogs are on the left. Links to wikipages about these blogs (if someone has written them) are on the right.
- a sibilant intake of breath a sibilant intake of breath
- Abandoned Footnotes Abandoned Footnotes
- Abu Aardvark Abu Aardvark
- "Academic Work-Life Balance" Balancing Work, Academic Pressures, and a Social Life
- Augmentation Augmentation
- America Abroad America Abroad
- ArchPundit ArchPundit
- Kai Arzheimer Political Science & Politics
- Atlantic Review Atlantic Review
- Thomas Barnett Thomas Barnett
- Hugh Bartling Hugh Bartling
- Ben Horvath's IR Blog From the laboratory of world politics
- Tom Conley's Political Economy Blog Big P Political Economy
- The Binder Blog Tech, social media and information policy
- Beyond Borders Megan Kime
- Broadbanding the Nation Michael de Percy
- Climate Politics: IR and the Environment Rodger A. Payne on e-International Relations
- SSRC Change in CubaSSRC Change in Cuba
- Chris Blattman Christopher Blattman
- Colum McCaffery Colum McCaffery (Ireland)
- Laurent Bouvet Laurent Bouvet
- The Brooks Blog The Brooks Blog
- Bull by the Horns Bull by the Horns
- Andreas Busch Andreas Busch
- Pronto* Miguel Centellas
- Chapel Hill Treehouse Chapel Hill Treehouse
- Jacob Christensen Jacob Christensen
- Andrew R. Cline Andrew R. Cline
- Josep Colomer's Weekly Blog Josep M. Colomer
- Computational Legal Studies" Computational Legal Studies
- Consider Phlebas Consider Phlebas
- Xavier Crettiez, (in French)
- The Danish Institute for Military Studies' weblog on international relations - mostly danish entries] Dansk Institut for Militære Studier
- Dan Drezner Dan Drezner
- Duck of Minerva Duck of Minerva
- Empirical Legal Studies by Michael Heise
- Enik Rising] by Seth Masket (also active at Mischiefs of Faction)
- David Ettinger's International Affairs Blog David Ettinger's International Affairs Blog
- Rory Ewins Rory Ewins
- Exploring International Law Exploring International Law
- FiveThirtyEight "Nate Silver's Political Calculus"
- Foggy Bottom Line Foggy Bottom Line
- Free Blog Free Blog
- Frontloading HQ Joshua T. Putnam
- Fruits and Votes Fruits and Votes by Matthew S. Shugart
- Norman Geras Norman Geras
- 'Getting Serious About Politics' Mary Manjikian on Research Methods: From Current Events to Political Science
- Graniteprof Graniteprof
- Greater or Smaller Greater or Smaller
- Goldhammer on French Politics Arthur Goldhammer French Politics
- Michael Gordon Michael Gordon
- Nils Gustafsson Nils Gustafsson
- Michael T. Heaney Michael T. Heaney
- Matthew Hindman Matthew Hindman
- High Ground: observations on international security from America Harvey M. Sapolsky on e-International Relations
- Hoboken Group Hoboken Group
- International Relations: thoughts from the global periphery Peter Vale on e-International Relations
- Interdependence Complex Lauren M. Phillips
- I cite I cite
- In Medias Res In Medias Res
- In Search of Enlightenment In Search of Enlightenment
- Irregular Analyses Irregular Analyses
- Simon Jackman Simon Jackman
- James Joyner James Joyner
- Jusiper Jusiper
- La Deutsche Vita Reformstaub (in German)
- Chris Lawrence Chris Lawrence
- Lawyers, Guns and Money Lawyers, Guns and Money
- Jacob T. Levy Jacob T. Levy
- Laura McKenna Laura McKenna
- Mischiefs of Faction "Reflections on parties and their place in politics" by Gregory Koger, Seth Masket and Hans Noel
- Morbid Symptoms Morbid Symptoms (dead, new possible address)
- McCaffery, Colum Colum McCaffery (Ireland)
- Nate Knows Nada Nate Knows Nada
- Brendan Nyhan Brendan Nyhan
- The Oil Drum The Oil Drum
- Ciarán O'Kelly Ciarán O'Kelly
- Open Democracy Open Democracy
- Taylor Owen Taylor Owen
- Nathan Paxton Nathan Paxton
- Rodger Payne Rodger Payne
- SSRC Pakistan in Crisis SSRC Pakistan in Crisis
- Pileus Pileus
- Politics, Theory and Photography Politics, Theory and Photography
- Poliblog Poliblog
- Political Arithmetik Political Arithmetik
- John G. Gunnell John G. Gunnell
- Polysigh Polysigh
- Praesidium Praesidium
- Public Brewery Public Brewery
- Public Reason Public Reason
- The Pushpin Pundit The Pushpin Pundit
- La Profesora Abstraida La Profesora Abstraida
- The Quantitative Peace The Quantitative Peace
- Quid Pro Quo Quid Pro Quo - Politics and the Media in South Africa by David Ansara
- Carlisle Rainey "Elections, Models, Inference and Visualization"
- Republic of Heaven Republic of Heaven
- R.J. Rummel R.J. Rummel
- Ari Kohen
- Chris Sciabarra Chris Sciabarra
- Security Dilemmas Seth Weinberger
- The Science of Politics Jai Prakash Sharma
- The Socio-Political Observer Salvador Santino F. Regilme Jr.
- The Vote Culture The Vote Culture
- Theoretically Political Theoretically Political
- Two Weeks Notice Two Weeks Notice
- Political Words Political Words
- Nick Troester Nick Troester
- The Useless Tree The Useless Tree
- The Virtual Stoa The Virtual Stoa
- University of Puget Sound Dept. of Politics and Government UPS Politics and Government
- Security Dilemmas by Seth Weinberger UPS Politics and Government
- War and Health War and Health
- Jeff Weintraub - Commentaries & Controversies Jeff Weintraub - Commentaries & Controversies
- What I Saw in America What I Saw in America
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