Here is a list of mathematics-related blogs by academics. Feel free to add new ones, while respecting the rules of the wiki. In particular, at least one of the authors of a blog should be affiliated with an academic institution.
Mathematics blogs (by subject)
This list of blogs is organized according to the closest arXiv tags that correspond to the posts therein. It may be that some blogs are not classified properly; please correct any misclassifications you encounter. For some blogs, the name and affiliation of the authors are missing; you are encouraged to fill these in if you are able (and if the information is publicly available).
For blogs which use category-specific tags (e.g. "algebraic geometry" or "math.AP"), a link is made directly to the relevant set of posts, and is indicated by "(subsection)". Authors are encouraged to use those tags explicitly to make linking easier.
Blogs in computer science are listed separately.
Algebraic Geometry (math.AG)
- A Mind For Madness (subsection) - Matt Ward (U. Washington)
- Concrete Nonsense (subsection) - Alexander Ellis (Harvard), Sam Lewallen (Princeton), Yan Zhang (Harvard)
- Embûches tissues - Rémy Oudompheng (Nice)
- Motivic Stuff - Andreas Holmstrom (U. Cambridge, UK)
- Neverendingbooks - Lieven Le Bruyn (U. Antwerp)
- Rigorous Trivialities (subsection) - Charles Siegel, Matt DeLand, Jim Stankewicz
- Secret Blogging Seminar (subsection) - Scott Carnahan (MIT, Cambridge-USA), Joel Kamnitzer (U. Toronto), Scott Morrison (UC Berkeley), Chris Schommer-Pries (UC Berkeley), Noah Snyder (UC Berkeley), David E. Speyer (MIT, Cambridge-USA), A.J. Tolland (UC Berkeley), Ben Webster (U. Oregon)
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
Algebraic Topology (math.AT)
- Rigorous Trivialities (subsection) - Charles Siegel, Matt DeLand, Jim Stankewicz
- Secret Blogging Seminar (subsection) - Scott Carnahan (MIT, Cambridge-USA), Joel Kamnitzer (U. Toronto), Scott Morrison (UC Berkeley), Chris Schommer-Pries (UC Berkeley), Noah Snyder (UC Berkeley), David E. Speyer (MIT, Cambridge-USA), A.J. Tolland (UC Berkeley), Ben Webster (U. Oregon)
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
Analysis of PDEs (math.AP)
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
- PDE Blog - Nestor Guillen (MSRI)
Classical Analysis and ODEs (math.CA)
- The accidental mathematician - Izabella Laba (UBC)
- Lewko's blog (subsection) - Mark Lewko (U. Texas Austin)
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
- A Day in the Life of a Wild Positron - Phil Isett (Princeton)
- Bounded Rationality - Samir Choksy (Columbia) and Edward Mehrez (Cornell)
- I woke up in a Strange Place - Ioannis Parissis (IST)
Category Theory (math.CT)
- Annoying Precision (subsection) - Qiaochu Yuan (MIT)
- Secret Blogging Seminar (subsection) - Scott Carnahan (MIT, Cambridge-USA), Joel Kamnitzer (U. Toronto), Scott Morrison (UC Berkeley), Chris Schommer-Pries (UC Berkeley), Noah Snyder (UC Berkeley), David E. Speyer (MIT, Cambridge-USA), A.J. Tolland (UC Berkeley), Ben Webster (U. Oregon)
- The n-Category Café - John Baez (UC Riverside), David Corfield (U. Kent, Canterbury), Urs Schreiber (U. Hambourg)
- The rising sea - Daniel Murfet (ANU)
- The Unapologetic Mathematician (subsection) - John Armstrong (U. Tulane, New Orleans)
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
Combinatorics (math.CO)
- A Portion of the Book - Masoud Zargar
- Concrete Nonsense (subsection) - Alexander Ellis (Harvard), Sam Lewallen (Princeton), Yan Zhang (Harvard)
- Annoying Precision (subsection) - Qiaochu Yuan (MIT)
- Combinatorics and More - Gil Kalai (Hebrew U., Jerusalem and Yale U. New Haven) Some subsections: "Probability";"Computer Science";"Convex polytopes" and "Convexity";"Games" and"Rationality;"Riddles";"What is mathematics" and"Mathematics to the rescue";"Combinatorics" and "open problems".
- Euclidean Ramsey Theory - Kristal Cantwell
- Tim Gowers' blog - Timothy W. Gowers (U. Cambridge, UK)
- Lewko's blog (subsection) - Mark Lewko (U. Texas Austin)
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
- SymOmega - John Bamberg, Michael Giudici and Gordon Royle (University of Western Australia)
Commutative Algebra (math.AC)
- A Mind For Madness (subsection) - Matt Ward (U. Washington)
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
Complex Variables (math.CV)
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
- Bounded Rationality - Samir Choksy (Columbia) and Edward Mehrez (Cornell)
Differential Geometry (math.DG)
- A Mind For Madness (subsection) - Matt Ward (U. Washington)
- Geometry and the imagination - Danny Calegari (Caltech, Pasadena)
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
Dynamical Systems (math.DS)
- Disquisitiones Mathematicae (subsection) - Matheus
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
- Mostly Maths (subsection) - Ruben Berenguel (U. of Barcelona, Spain)
Functional Analysis (math.FA)
- Tim Gowers' blog - Timothy W. Gowers (U. Cambridge, UK)
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
- Epsilonica - Matthew Heath (IST, Lisbon, Portugal)
General Mathematics (math.GM)
- Bounded Rationality - Samir Choksy (Columbia) and Edward Mehrez (Cornell)
- Division by Zero - Dave Richeson (Dickinson College)
- Gyre&Gimble
- Intellectual Trespassing: Math Sciences Edition David Ellerman
- The Math Less Traveled - Brent Yorgey
- Nathaniel Johnston's Blog - Nathaniel Johnston
- Tyler's Daily Math Thoughts: Ramblings of a Mathematician - Tyler Clark (WKU)
General Topology (math.GN)
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
- Tyler's Daily Math Thoughts: Ramblings of a Mathematician (subsection) - Tyler Clark (WKU)
Geometric Topology (math.GT)
- 392C: Geometric Group Theory - Henry Wilton (U. Texas, Austin)
- Secret Blogging Seminar (subsection) - Scott Carnahan (MIT, Cambridge-USA), Joel Kamnitzer (U. Toronto), Scott Morrison (UC Berkeley), Chris Schommer-Pries (UC Berkeley), Noah Snyder (UC Berkeley), David E. Speyer (MIT, Cambridge-USA), A.J. Tolland (UC Berkeley), Ben Webster (U. Oregon)
- Geometry and the imagination - Danny Calegari (Caltech, Pasadena)
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
Group Theory (math.GR)
- Annoying Precision (subsection) - Qiaochu Yuan (MIT)
- Geometry and the imagination - Danny Calegari (Caltech, Pasadena)
- 392C: Geometric Group Theory - Henry Wilton (U. Texas, Austin)
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
- SymOmega - John Bamberg, Michael Giudici and Gordon Royle (University of Western Australia)
History and Overview (math.HO)
- A dialogue on infinity - Alexandre Borovik (U. Manchester), David Corfield (U. Kent)
- Mathematics in Australia - Phil Broadbridge, Peter Hall, Birgit Loch, Terence Tao
- Mathematics Under the Microscope - Alexandre Borovik (U. Manchester)
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
- Wiskundemeisjes - Ionica Smeets (U. Leiden), Jeanine Daems (U. Leiden)
- Women and mathematics EMS committee - S. Paycha, D. Perisic, Marjo Lipponen
Information Theory (math.IT)
- Lewko's blog (subsection) - Mark Lewko (U. Texas Austin)
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
K-Theory and Homology (math.KT)
- Concrete Nonsense (subsection) - Alexander Ellis (Harvard), Sam Lewallen (Princeton), Yan Zhang (Harvard)
- Motivic Stuff - Andreas Holmstrom (U. Cambridge, UK)
Logic (math.LO)
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
- Tyler's Daily Math Thoughts: Ramblings of a Mathematician (subsection) - Tyler Clark (WKU)
Mathematical Physics (math.MP)
- EMPG Blog - current members and alumni of the Edinburgh Mathematical Physics Group (Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt)
- Hydrobates - Alan Rendall
- Secret Blogging Seminar (subsection) - Scott Carnahan (MIT, Cambridge-USA), Joel Kamnitzer (U. Toronto), Scott Morrison (UC Berkeley), Chris Schommer-Pries (UC Berkeley), Noah Snyder (UC Berkeley), David E. Speyer (MIT, Cambridge-USA), A.J. Tolland (UC Berkeley), Ben Webster (U. Oregon)
- The everything seminar - Jim Belk, Greg Muller, Matt Noonan
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
- The Language of Bad Physics - S.C. Kavassalis
Metric Geometry (math.MG)
- Frank Morgan's Blog - Frank Morgan
- Geometry and combinatorics - Konrad Swanepoel
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
Numerical Analysis (math.NA)
- Nuit Blanche - Igor Carron
- The Endeavour - John Cook
Number Theory (math.NT)
- Annoying Precision (subsection) - Qiaochu Yuan (MIT)
- Disquisitiones Mathematicae (subsection) - Matheus
- Emmanuel Kowalski's blog - Emmanuel Kowalski (ETH, Zürich)
- Lewko's blog (subsection) - Mark Lewko (U. Texas Austin)
- London number theory - Kevin Buzzard, Minhyong Kim
- Noncommutative Geometry - Alain Connes (IHES, France), Masoud Khalkhali (U. Western Ontario), David Goss (Ohio State U.)
- Quomodocumque - Jordan S. Ellenberg (U. Wisconsin)
- Rigorous Trivialities (subsection) - Charles Siegel, Matt DeLand, Jim Stankewicz
- Secret Blogging Seminar (subsection) - Scott Carnahan (MIT, Cambridge-USA), Joel Kamnitzer (U. Toronto), Scott Morrison (UC Berkeley), Chris Schommer-Pries (UC Berkeley), Noah Snyder (UC Berkeley), David E. Speyer (MIT, Cambridge-USA), A.J. Tolland (UC Berkeley), Ben Webster (U. Oregon)
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
Operator Algebras (math.OA)
- Noncommutative Geometry - Alain Connes (IHES, France), Masoud Khalkhali (U. Western Ontario), David Goss (Ohio State U.)
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
Optimization and Control (math.OC)
Probability (math.PR)
- Bounded Rationality - Samir Choksy (Columbia) and Edward Mehrez (Cornell)
- God plays dice - Michael Lugo
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
- Libres pensées d'un mathématicien ordinaire - Djalil Chafaï (Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée)
Quantum Algebra (math.QA)
- Neverendingbooks - Lieven Le Bruyn (U. Antwerp)
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
Representation Theory (math.RT)
- Annoying Precision (subsection) - Qiaochu Yuan (MIT)
- Concrete Nonsense (subsection) - Alexander Ellis (Harvard), Sam Lewallen (Princeton), Yan Zhang (Harvard)
- Neverendingbooks - Lieven Le Bruyn (U. Antwerp)
- Secret Blogging Seminar (subsection) - Scott Carnahan (MIT, Cambridge-USA), Joel Kamnitzer (U. Toronto), Scott Morrison (UC Berkeley), Chris Schommer-Pries (UC Berkeley), Noah Snyder (UC Berkeley), David E. Speyer (MIT, Cambridge-USA), A.J. Tolland (UC Berkeley), Ben Webster (U. Oregon)
- The Unapologetic Mathematician (subsection) - John Armstrong (U. Tulane, New Orleans)
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
Rings and Algebras (math.RA)
- Concrete Nonsense (subsection) - Alexander Ellis (Harvard), Sam Lewallen (Princeton), Yan Zhang (Harvard)
- Neverendingbooks - Lieven Le Bruyn (U. Antwerp)
- The Unapologetic Mathematician (subsection) - John Armstrong (U. Tulane, New Orleans)
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
Spectral Theory (math.SP)
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
Statistics (math.ST)
There are tons of stats blogs at StatsBlogs and [R-Bloggers].
- Statistics How To - Stephanie Kenrose
- Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference and Social Science - Andrew Gelman
- Arthur Charpentier's blog (Univ. Rennes 1) - Arthur Charpentier
- Three-Toed Sloth - Cosma Shalizi
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
- The Endeavour - John Cook
- Xi'an's Og - Christian Robert
- Fishing in the Bay - Chris Lloyd
- Research tips - Rob J Hyndman
- Psychology and Statistics - Jeromy Anglim
Symplectic Geometry (math.SG)
- What's New (subsection) - Terence Tao (UCLA)
- The polymath blog - Tim Gowers, Gil Kalai, Michael Nielsen, Terence Tao
- Todd and Vishal's blog - Todd Trimble, Vishal Lama
Software and publishing
Popularization of mathematics
- Numb3rs - Mark Bridger (Northwestern)
- Climbing the Mountain Climbing the Mountain
- Exploring the Mountain Exploring the Mountain
- "Virtual Math Tutor"A bank of solved math problems and more ...
Other applications of mathematics
- Nuit Blanche - Igor Carron
Miscellaneous / Uncategorized
- "Mathematics Rising" - Joselle Kehoe (UT Dallas)
- Richard Borcherds' blog - Richard Borcherds (UC Berkeley)
- Peter Cameron's blog - Peter Cameron (London)
- Maxwell's Demon - Edmund Harriss (University of Leicester)
Theoretical Computer Science blogs
Please see this page.
Mathematical Wikis (and wiki-like sites)
- Egres Open - Combinatorial optimization open problem forum
- LifeWiki - Conway's Game of Life and cellular automata
- The polymath wiki
- Quantiki - Quantum information theory wiki
- The tricki - A repository of mathematical know-how
Bulletin boards, forums, mailing lists
Internal Resources
External Resources
- QuickLaTeX plugin for Wordpress which allows usage of native LaTeX syntax directly in posts/comments. Inline formulas, displayed equations with (auto-)numbering, AMS-LaTeX, tikZ, custom LaTeX preamble.
- Luca Trevisan's LaTeX to Wordpress converter
- John Baez's thread What do mathematicians need to know about blogging?
- The nLab's Online Resources
- Article Articles page